Friday, December 20, 2013

Deposit Insurance Agency Increases Capital of Mutiara Bank Rp1, 5 trillion

Capital increase by Deposit Insurance Agency is considered to increase the bank's sale value. Indirectly because the company's shares will be more beautiful in the eyes of investors with better performance. Deposit Insurance Agency ( DIA ) The bank will injected capital amounting to Rp 1 trillion on Monday, December 23, 2013. With this capital increase is certain capital adequacy ratio ( CAR ) The bank could be over 14 % under the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Proces ( ICAAP ) in terms of Basel III .

" With this capital increase could CAR above 14 % , " said Secretary of Deposit Insurance Agency, Samsu Adi Nugroho, at the DIA office, Jakarta, Friday, December 20, 2013 .

With this capital increase, Deposit Insurance Agency is optimistic, that the bank's can "fast running" in 2014. The reason is that each bank should definitely growing and industrious expansion, so it needs additional capital .

The move is expected by Deposit Insurance Agency, can also increase the sale value of bank's future. The reason that indirectly, the company's shares will be more beautiful in the eyes of investors .

" The direction is like that. Due directly to the capital increase, the company's performance is expected to improve, " he explained .

Previously, Mutiara Bank will be sold by Deposit Insurance Agency at a price of Rp 6.7 trillion.  With increasing capital, sale of Bank Mutiara is expected  can be optimized further. However, when asked how the optimal range of numbers, Samsu can not comment further. Because the bank's rescue by Law no price attached. That is  not pegged must reach a certain value, which can be an important sales accordingly.

"In 2013 we have an obligation to sell Rp 6.7 trillion. In the first quarter of 2014 we will sell the bank's shares, however, are not bound in the Rp 6.7 trillion , but it could be optimal," he explained .

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