Treasury business contributed to earnings continue to try intensified Bank DKI , utilizing still ample liquidity as the LDR is still in the range of 70 % late .
PT BPD DKI Jakarta ( DKI Bank ) look pretty good treasury business potential in supporting the company's revenue in the future . Moreover , the bank owned by the city administration had to credit ratio ( LDR ) are still low .
" Treasury Rp 8 trillion there , be operated every day . Rather than put their money in Fasbi silent . We begin to invest , "said Finance Director of Bank DKI Benny Santoso when met reporters in Kakarta , Wednesday, October 30, 2013 .
He explains , treasury business contributed to the interest income reached 20 % . The Company recorded interest income of R1 , 9 billion at the end of September 2013 , grew 25.67 % in setahunan compared to Rp 1.51 trillion in September 2012 . The operating profit increased 75.48 % from Rp 306.52 billion to Rp 537.88 billion .
" We also support the need for dollars to the State Electricity Company and other large corporations through the city . So in addition to state-owned banks , we also support . Income from the transaction Rp52 Billion , so good, " said Benny .
In terms of funding , DKI Bank recorded total deposits grew 9.68 % from Rp 22.54 trillion to Rp24 , 73 trillion . While outstanding loans increased 34.70 % from Rp13 , 35 trillion to Rp17 , 99 trillion . This makes the company the LDR is in the position of 72.17 % as of September 2013 , up from 58.86 % as of September 2012 .
" TPF target of Rp28 , 97 trillion , rather difficult if the Third Party Funds . Due to market our Third Party Funds , know , as banks raise interest rates , we are not going to play there . Another bank ( deposit ) 9-10 % , we are still 7 % according LPS , " Benny lid .
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