Tuesday, April 21, 2015

BCA Donates 2 Tourist Buses

Two buses are an endorsement of BCA, the environmental conservation efforts of Bandung. PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) to support an environmental conservation efforts. Continuing support, BCA provides two pieces of tourist buses, known as bandros (Bandung Tour on The Bus) worth 2 billion to the government of the city of Bandung. This step once a BCA support to enhance the tourism potential of the Flower City.

Symbolic delivery of aid granted by the Director of BCA, Subur Tan to the Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil, which was witnessed by the Corporate Secretary of BCA, BCA Inge Setiawati and Head of Regional Office I Bandung, Gunawan Budi Santoso in Bandung City Hall, Monday, April 20, 2015.

"As a company that cares about the environment, BCA fully supports the government's efforts to promote the use of public transport. Therefore, BCA really glad and honored to be involved in the improvement and development of the city of Bandung through the provision of these tourist bus "said Subur.

Bandros presence for the city of Bandung, is expected to be an attraction for tourists. This bus will reduce the use of private vehicles to reduce congestion at the weekend or other holiday season. Reduction in the use of private vehicles can reduce energy use and provide a positive impact on the environment.

Currently, the government of Bandung has several improvements and urban development programs. Such programs have been adapted to the products both medium-term city planning (MTDP- Medium Term Development Plan) and annual (RDP- Regional Development Plan). "We encourage all parties, including the private sector to participate to participate and contribute as an effort to reform and development of the city of Bandung." Said Ridwan Kamil.

In addition to providing tourist bus procurement assistance, BCA also supports programs Berhiber (Clean, Green and Flowering) through the procurement of 10 Waste Processing Equipment on December 12, 2014 last.

"Having previously supported the procurement of waste management, we are grateful and thankful for BCA re-engage in the improvement and development of the city of Bandung through the provision of tourist buses. May the good intentions BCA bring maximum benefit to the preservation and prosperity of the people of Bandung, "Ridwan lid.

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